Electrify Me, Baby, 2024

The second encounter between humans and machines is the multisensory installation »Electrify Me, Baby« (2024) by artist Anne Duk Hee Jordan, who lives in Berlin and is professor of digital media art at the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG). In her works, Jordan utilizes nature and biological phenomena as metaphors to engage in a dialog with art, science, technology, society, and identity that is often ironic. She creates hybrid worlds that elude binary thinking and counter anthropocentrism with a more-than-human perspective. »Electrify Me, Baby« (2024) creates a unified cosmos that oscillates between natural and technical phenomena and describes the way of the world, of life from the beginning to the end. Humorously, the installation invites us to reflect on our own existence in a world where all human and nonhuman beings are inextricably linked. Against the efficiency of today’s technologies, the artist sets her concept of »artificial stupidity«, which allows scope for mistakes and unproductivity as a means to readjust our relationship to our planet.

Electrifiy Me, Baby (2024) Medium: Multi-sensory installation; vinyl print, mirrors, various objects (partly motorized), robots, wind installation, Jacob’s ladder, (interactive) projection, color, sound Duration: 16 minutes Produced in collaboration with the ZKM Karlsruhe for exhibition „(A)I Will Tell You, You Tell Me“ (2024) conceptualized by Alistair Hudson, curated by Clara Runge and Philipp Ziegler, and curation assisted by Laura Schmidt. The exhibition was funded by Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien in the program of Kultur Digital | Kulturstiftung des Bundes. Idea: Alistair Hudson Curators: Clara Runge, Philipp Ziegler Curatorial Assistance: Laura Schmidt Texts: Clara Runge in collaboration with the artist Director: Anne Duk Hee Jordan Video Mapping: Simone Serlenga, Simone Franco Production & Design: Andrea Macias-Yañez Technology „Artificial Stupidity”: Andreas Marckscheffel Sound: Sasha Perera Sound mix: Gio Conti Jacob's Ladder: Loan of the Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) Produced in collaboration with the ZKM Karlsruhe Photo: Joe Miletzki, Felix Grünschloss