Clapping Clams, 2018
The Clapping Clams (2018) are a choir of robotic clapping clams. They are not able to do anything else then clapping, but they seem to open up a universe of wonder in various environments created by Jordan. They appeared firstly as a mysterious choir in Ziggy on the Land of Drunken Trees exhibition at Gallery Wedding, Berlin, then transformed the Into The Wild table in Ziggy goes Wild exhibition into a Dali-esque surrealist dinner extravaganza but apparently the online dictionary describes clams clapping also as an intense version of the scissor technique used by lesbians.
Clapping Clams, 2018 Material: motors, mechanics, clams Dimension: 7 x 1,5 x 25 cm Technical engineer: Andreas Marckscheffel Photo credit: Anne Duk Hee Jordan Text: Pauline Doutreluingne